Options - Auto

Disconnection options. Antivirus program options. Update interval selection.

On program start

Start all downloads
If this option is checked Internet Download Accelerator will start all paused downloads.

After download completion

Disconnect from Internet after completing all downloads
Check this if you want Internet Download Accelerator to disconnect from the Internet after completing all downloads. If RAS is not installed on your machine this option will be disabled.
( i ) Disconnection from the Internet is possible only if you use dial-up connection.

Shut down PC after completing all downloads
If this option is checked Internet Download Accelerator will shut down computer after completing all downloads.


Check files on viruses after completing download

Check this if you want Internet Download Accelerator to check all downloaded files on viruses with an anti-virus program.

Antivirus executable
Specify the path to the antivirus executable which you want to use for check.

Command line parameters for ant-virus program.
( i ) We offer default parameters for the most popular antivirus programs. If it is needed you can change them at any time.

Fast Update Internet Download Accelerator

Check for a new version every
If this option is checked Internet Download Accelerator will check the Internet Download Accelerator web site for a new version at the specified interval.


Restore connection if disconnected
If the flag is set, IDA will redial and continue downloading when modem connection is broken.

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